The Crested Butte Mountain Heritage Museum will serve hot cider, hot chocolate and snacks and unveil its new exhibits at an open house on the evening of Thursday, December 3..
Revisit your favorite exhibits and view the museum’s new exhibits about the Ute people of the Gunnison Valley, the Crested Butte Mountain Theatre, the Croatian Fraternal Lodge, health and safety in early Crested Butte and local Olympian David Chodounsky. Don’t miss the new textile exhibit featuring a mink shawl and muff (recently donated by the Kikel family) from the 1950s Kochevars mink farm.
Families are invited to participate in historic games and craft projects based on Ute traditions. Activities will be hosted by the WSCU Anthropology Club and will include creating clay pottery, model tipi building, weaving, and braiding beaded wristbands. Everyone is invited to this free reception 5-7:30 p.m. on December 3. Donations will go to the Crested Butte Mountain Heritage Museum and WSCU Anthropology Club.